Online Lash Cert. Course
$300.00 deposit required
$300.00 deposit required
$300.00 deposit required
Option 1. This will include all of your quality starting lash supplies, a PowerPoint course that you will have access to post class that teaches you application, biz development, mapping, sanitation, etc., a model of my choosing to shadow me, your certificate, and me as your mentor for life.
$300.00 deposit required
Opt 2. 8 hour class. Will include all of opt 1, but you will bring your own model to practice on. Highly recommend this opt as you will have a lot of questions during your first set on a real person, this way we can navigate it together. Lunch break in the middle. Prepare to lash for about 4 hrs.
$15.00 deposit required
$16.00 deposit required
$15.00 deposit required
Includes brow lamination, wax, and tint! Lamination perms your brow hair to create a more uniformed, fuller, fluffier shape! Paired with tint to bolden & fill in, & waxed to create the perfect clean brow! Lasts up to 8 weeks.
$19.00 deposit required
Lasts up to 8 weeks, perms your brow hair to create a more uniformed, fuller, fluffier shape! Wax included.
$5.00 deposit required
$5.00 deposit required
$38.00 deposit required
$32.00 deposit required
This is for a NEW clients to give us extra time to go through a consultation before your appointment so that I can get as close as possible to achieving your desired look! If you have a lash set on from another artist, please also add the service “lash removal”. I do not offer foreign fills.
$32.00 deposit required
Please select this if you are a current client, but have no lash extensions on or if it’s been longer than 3 weeks since your last appointment.
$18.00 deposit required
This option is for current lash clients who have been seen in 3 weeks or less and have at least 40% of lashes remaining. If you have less than 40% of your lashes or it has been longer than 3 weeks, please choose the Full Set option. No foreign fills.
Booking a lash removal provides reassured you they will be removed safely and efficiently! This service only takes 30 minutes and is ended with a leave in keratin treatment. You have to wait 48 hours after removal for a new set!